Tłumaczenie Niemiecki-Angielski dla "nature"

"nature" Tłumaczenie Angielski

[naˈtyːr]Adjektiv | adjective adj Fr.

Przegląd wszystkich tłumaczeń

(Więcej szczegółów po kliknięciu/naciśnięciu tłumaczenia)

  • au naturel
    nature Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR naturell
    nature Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR naturell
  • unbreaded
    nature Schnitzel etc Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR
    nature Schnitzel etc Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR
business, environment, global issues, innovation, nature, sustainability, water
business, environment, global issues, innovation, nature, sustainability, water
Źródło: TED
biodiversity, biology, environment, life, nature, photography
biodiversity, biology, environment, life, nature, photography
Źródło: TED
DNA, alternative energy, biology, evolution, genetics, nature, virus
DNA, alternative energy, biology, evolution, genetics, nature, virus
Źródło: TED
arts, complexity, exploration, nature, science, writing
arts, complexity, exploration, nature, science, writing
Źródło: TED
biodiversity, biology, biomimicry, biotech, creativity, design, innovation, invention, nature
biodiversity, biology, biomimicry, biotech, creativity, design, innovation, invention, nature
Źródło: TED
beauty, evolution, film, life, nature
beauty, evolution, film, life, nature
Źródło: TED

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