[hɔːl]noun | Substantiv sPrzegląd wszystkich tłumaczeń
(Więcej szczegółów po kliknięciu/naciśnięciu tłumaczenia)
- town hall
- the Hall of Famedie Ruhmeshalle (in New York)
- Innungs-, Gilden-, Zunfthausneuter | Neutrum nhall guild hallhall guild hall
- Herrenhausneuter | Neutrum nhall manor, house on lord’s estate British English | britisches EnglischBrhall manor, house on lord’s estate British English | britisches EnglischBr
- Studentenheimneuter | Neutrum n, -hausneuter | Neutrum nhall student hall of residencehall student hall of residence
- Essen im Speisesaalmasculine | Maskulinum mhall dining hall, meal in dining hall: in Collegeset cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etchall dining hall, meal in dining hall: in Collegeset cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
- Institutneuter | Neutrum nhall in USA: institute, academic bodyKollegiumneuter | Neutrum nhall in USA: institute, academic bodywissenschaftliche Vereinigunghall in USA: institute, academic bodyhall in USA: institute, academic body
- Fürsten-, Königssaalmasculine | Maskulinum mhall history | GeschichteHIST royal or princely hall of Germanic peopleshall history | GeschichteHIST royal or princely hall of Germanic peoples
- Festhallefeminine | Femininum f, -saalmasculine | Maskulinum mhall history | GeschichteHIST hall for celebrationshall history | GeschichteHIST hall for celebrations