Tłumaczenie Angielski-Niemiecki dla "astronomy"

"astronomy" Tłumaczenie Niemiecki

noun | Substantiv s

Przegląd wszystkich tłumaczeń

(Więcej szczegółów po kliknięciu/naciśnięciu tłumaczenia)

the wonders of astronomy were opening to him
die Wunder der Astronomie erschlossen sich ihm
the wonders of astronomy were opening to him
art, astronomy, creativity, illness, science, space
art, astronomy, creativity, illness, science, space
Źródło: TED
astronomy, culture, design, physics, science, space, technology
astronomy, culture, design, physics, science, space, technology
Źródło: TED
astronomy, collaboration, demo, education, science, short talk, technology, universe
astronomy, collaboration, demo, education, science, short talk, technology, universe
Źródło: TED
Die Antwort darauf ist die Wissenschaft der Radioastronomie.
Well the answer is the science of radio astronomy.
Źródło: TED
art, arts, astronomy, design, entertainment, physics, sound, technology
art, arts, astronomy, design, entertainment, physics, sound, technology
Źródło: TED

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